In the 1960's we had a movement against the mainstream and government. Allot of weed smoked and a lot of free love. They were fighting the establishment or as the layman would say the fascism of hypocrisy that today we see. If someone uses the word fascism today you are guaranteed to be put in the inside the box of a conspiracy theorist. If someone said do you know the H1N1 anti-virus that you put in your body is bad for you and can cause things like infertility or can cause convulsions then you must be someone that puts a tinfoil hat on to go to the grocery story. In the early part of the last century a book was written called"1984" by George Orwell and stated a word that you will hear called " New World Order". It was a book of fiction or was it as I always play the devils advocate and say well what if it was right? Our history as a planet has been one of war, dictatorships and if we go through the labeling list as you would see on the back of a Campbell's can of soup multiple others. So what do we label today's government especially here in Canada? Do we call it a democracy when they use media to control the way we think. How can we be made to think a certain way? Is it possible that someone actually studied psychology and sociology to the point where they could figure out a way to control us and turn us into brainless sheep? What happens to those who speak up do they do the same thing Hitler did to the Jewish and his own people in the 1930's and 1940's? Has a Canadian ever said the medium is the message? Allot of questions but where lies the answers.
I have been in politics for 10 years not by choice but when the people that we elect to represent our best interest sends me a form letter telling me my children were not worth their time or social workers saying don't sopenea us into a court room to fight against child abuse you really start to wonder where the government and bureaucrats priorities lies. So how do you stop it? I tried and put my name up to run in the last election after being a part of both mainstream parties and realizing there is nothing different besides the leader and the color they fly for their banners. The thing is they have had old money and inbred to believe they are the only source of real leadership. In New Brunswick the Liberals going into their campaign had around a million dollars and the Progressive Conservatives had half a million dollars. The legal limit to each riding is $28,000 so how do they take that money and use it effectively? $500,000 would only give 17 of the 55 the full amount a million only 35 of the 55 riding's. So how do you get the masses attention?Run a slam campaign against your competitor or as most have come to know it American Politics. Promise the sheep the moon and stars and hope they buy it. Interesting or Prove me Wrong?
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