Love is a strange and a miraculous pleasure as we all need and want this great gift gave to us. Some days we do take for granted this great gift that another shares with us. This can be our greatest downfall as it is the greatest gift one can give to another. It is something that you can not ask for it has to be given unconditionally. The word choice is one I use a lot when I talk with people as it was stated throughout time and biblically. As the bible said we are given free choice, to do what is healthy for our own minds and others and the people we love and even some times when we do not understand how they perceive the world around them. A lot of people do not know I have the religious and spiritual ends to me as over time it took me a long time to grow into a loving and caring human being. The greatest judge of us is ourselves and how we treat the people we love and care about especially those that are the closest to us in our hearts.
Tomorrow being Christmas and as we all know it has been taken to a point of forgetting what its true meaning was about and the gift that was given to us. The real gifts of love and happiness and that of family and friends can out weigh any expensive gift from a store. The gift we were given as per the bible was that of a man of flesh and blood that taught us as a civilization that love out weighs hate and all negative thought that surrounds and engulfs us at times in our lives. The people that enter in our lives and sometimes only for that split second that just has that certain smile that gives you that warm feeling inside or that feeling of peace is good for our souls.
Tomorrow as you wake up take that moment to reflect on the people that surround your life and thank them for being a part of your life. Someday you may wake and they not be there to look across your bed you shared and looked into their eyes and whispered I love you too. Relationships are never easy with friends, family or loved ones as there are always exterior forces that will test them. The thing that I suggest as the day progresses and you do your holiday tradition is look at those you love and care for in this world and just whisper to them those three words that were given to us as a gift " I love you" and can not picture my life without you in my arms, in my heart or on this earth we share.