Friday, December 24, 2010

Learning to Love and Understand

As it is the night before Christmas and the only thing stirring is a year gone past. We all tend to reflect on the life we have led and the good and bad things we have enjoyed and endured. Our relationships with family, friends and loved ones that at times have been good and at times bad. I do not think we ever truly get it 100% right in life but I always try to come close to at least 99%, someday I may achieve it. It is hard because we are only human beings scurrying around this big planet trying to do what in our minds that is right through our own eyes and perception of right and wrong or good and bad.

Love is a strange and a miraculous pleasure as we all need and want this great gift gave to us. Some days we do take for granted this great gift that another shares with us. This can be our greatest downfall as it is the greatest gift one can give to another. It is something that you can not ask for it has to be given unconditionally. The word choice is one I use a lot when I talk with people as it was stated throughout time and biblically. As the bible said we are given free choice, to do what is healthy for our own minds and others and the people we love and even some times when we do not understand how they perceive the world around them. A lot of people do not know I have the religious and spiritual ends to me as over time it took me a long time to grow into a loving and caring human being. The greatest judge of us is ourselves and how we treat the people we love and care about especially those that are the closest to us in our hearts.

Tomorrow being Christmas and as we all know it has been taken to a point of forgetting what its true meaning was about and the gift that was given to us. The real gifts of love and happiness and that of family and friends can out weigh any expensive gift from a store. The gift we were given as per the bible was that of a man of flesh and blood that taught us as a civilization that love out weighs hate and all negative thought that surrounds and engulfs us at times in our lives. The people that enter in our lives and sometimes only for that split second that just has that certain smile that gives you that warm feeling inside or that feeling of peace is good for our souls.

Tomorrow as you wake up take that moment to reflect on the people that surround your life and thank them for being a part of your life. Someday you may wake and they not be there to look across your bed you shared and looked into their eyes and whispered I love you too. Relationships are never easy with friends, family or loved ones as there are always exterior forces that will test them. The thing that I suggest as the day progresses and you do your holiday tradition is look at those you love and care for in this world and just whisper to them those three words that were given to us as a gift " I love you" and can not picture my life without you in my arms, in my heart or on this earth we share.

 Merry Christmas - ER Hoyt - Author of Prove me Wrong

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Learning to love and understand

I was always the man that thought he had to do not just do things because they were there to be done. I was always the tough ass always having to be the one in control of my life and went through some real bumpy times. A friend of mine said to me a few weeks back that I was in the past in love with the thought of being in love but never truely ended up there until now. It struck me as strange as I have been married before and did the soul searching as many of us do throughout our lives but never really examined if I was and one thing I will never change about myself is I like to examine life.
We all want to be loved and have that feeling of love that sometimes people crave for acceptance of our friends and family or from our childhood that we never recieved. It is one of the most said things to people but never truely understood a we all have our opinions on it. In relationships I believe we all try but without taking the time to sit back and examine it from time to time it makes it hard. Hard to understand why we love this person so much and if they say something that makes us hurt instead of communicating it we lash or withdraw. Love is one of the most complex things we have in this world we live in as many never truely feel that they are loved or even love themselves. One of the most intelligent things ever said to me is put yourself in the mind of a 10 year old and how they percieve the world and then imagine that because of tradgedy or a life event a person stopped growing inside. How would they percieve the world.  A lot that read that will be saying oh he is talking about me but all of us at one time in our life have that thing that just makes us go oh my god how did I ever come up with that or figure that out. It is hard to go through life always looking for that right person, the one when you wake up next too them you couldn't picture yourself anywhere's else besides in that moment with them. It is the small guestures each do each other in the relationship. If it is just bringing you home a thing of M&M's that you like or that when you look down they just whisper in your ear they love you. I find today many people lose the romance and love in their relationships because they because of things the other has done on purpose or by accident with no intent behind it still hurts the other.
I have been a lucky man myself to find that one person that really gets me. Do not get me wrong we have had our problems but love each other enough to sit down and discuss why the things the other have done have hurt the other or the things that makes the other feel good. Communication is one of the keys that I have found that is a must in a relationship. If you do not have that then both are guessing what is wrong or why the other is hurting or lashing out. My wife sent me a few papers on better relationships as we try to grow ours each and everyday. If it is as small a guesture of when we wake up in the morning to just say I love you to a little text when your not expecting it. If anyone said relationships or even friendships at times are easy then wow they need to look in the mirror. In a relationship you also do need to be friends also because how many times in a relationship have you just gone and done something and if that was your friend you would of asked them first if it was alright with them also. Assuming as the proverb goes can cause a lot of grief. I owe a lot of credit to my wife as she has helped me grow as a human being and as a man. She taught me something called " unconditional love" of another human being. We automatically give that to our family and children but find it hard to do with another human being. I know it has been one of my challenges throughout my own life and has caused me grief. A joke she sent me yesterday about how us as men percieve really struck home. As I teased her and said did you read it also. We as men are brought up in this world to be the protector and supposed to be the strong one at all times. A lot of men don't have the ability to even cry because they were taught from birth that real men do not do that. Well for the females that do read this please if you take one thing from this, we can not guess what you are thinking. If your significant other says to you whats wrong, we know something is bothering you. If you do need a couple minutes if it is something that really has you fuming and to the point you know it will end up in an arguement then take a couple minutes to breathe and relax but utter some simple words. Yes I am upset but at the moment I need some time to gather my thoughts so I can talk rationally and not emotionally. I learned that one myself the hard way a few times by pushing the issue and knowing very well she was upset but that morbid curosity of I have hurt the woman I love and need to know why so I can correct it. I think I will leave it at this for today as I have to go to the job so I can pay my bills as this is what I enjoy to do but does give me great joy and yes the pay off is great because once you learn to understand why you love it makes it a lot easier to love and be loved.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Alward Proving he is no diiferent than Graham

No public input on MLA pensions

Published Tuesday November 9th, 2010

Consultation: Spokesman says panel reviewing the benefits paid to elected officials will not seek outside comment


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Zombie Nation

After years of researching how things work you sometimes just shake your head and then after wonder why are people such sheep. Then you think why are our kids walking around today in a stupefied state. You know today the most used babysitter is the TV set or a video game console. We as adults are so consumed in our own lives either as a single parent or just trying to make ends meat that we sometime forget that our kids are our responsibility. So what happens when a child gets a little hard to handle. Do we give them a smack like our parents did to us? Then we have choice b as the Big Pharmacy companies are smacking their lips saying oh look another billion dollars in our pocket. The real choice is be a good parent and look to see what the route cause is for their behavior problems but most go well a zombfied child is easier to deal with kinda like that big drink of vodka some have when they come home from a bad day at work.

Today the method to parent is jack a child up on Ritalin. My ex sister in law and I debated it a few years back when her little fellow that yes was a hellion but still a child that was just overactive because his life. He was watching his mother and father have slug fests and screaming debates in front of him..Hmmm wonder why the kid was a little on the messed up side. Many think Ritalin (methylphenidate) is safe, or mild, because so many children use it. However, the government classifies the psychoactive drug with cocaine and morphine because it is highly addictive. There we go give our kids something like coke, maybe they will be president of the USA someday.

I looked at the label of a bottle and this is the medical warnings on it:


Nervousness and insomnia are the most common adverse reactions but are usually controlled by reducing dosage and omitting the drug in the afternoon or evening. Other reactions include hypersensitivity (including skin rash, urticaria [hives], fever, arthralgia [intense burning or stabbing pain caused by irritation of or damage to a nerve], exfoliative dermatitis [peeling skin], erythema multiforme [red blotches or blisters all over the skin] with histopathological [microscopic] findings of necrotizing vasculitis [death of blood vessels], and thrombocytopenic purpura [purplish spots or patches]); anorexia [loss of appetite]; nausea; dizziness; palpitations [irregular, hard or rapid heartbeat]; headache; dyskinesia [muscle spasms]; drowsiness; blood pressure and pulse changes, both up and down; tachycardia [rapid heart rate]; angina [caused by an insufficient supply of blood to the heart muscle]; cardiac arrhythmia [irregularity of the heartbeat]; abdominal pain; weight loss during prolonged therapy. There have been rare reports of Tourette's syndrome. Toxic psychosis has been reported. Although a definite causal relationship has not been established, the following have been reported in patients taking this drug: leukopenia [abnormally low number of white blood cells in the circulating blood] and/or anemia; a few instances of scalp hair loss. In children, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, weight loss during prolonged therapy, insomnia, and tachycardia [rapid heart rate] may occur more frequently; however, any of the other adverse reactions listed above may also occur.


Ritalin should be given cautiously to emotionally unstable patients, such as those with a history of drug dependence or alcoholism, because such patients may increase dosage on their own initiative. Chronically abusive use can lead to marked tolerance and psychic dependence with varying degrees of abnormal behavior. Frank psychotic episodes can occur, especially with parental abuse. Careful supervision is required during drug withdrawal, since severe depression as well as the effects of chronic over activity can be unmasked. Long-term follow-up may be required because of the patient's basic personality disturbances.

Remember when Prozac came out it was the miracle drug also. I guess it was until people started killing people while on it. I started grabbing some quotes from some high profiled magazines."Physiological effects of oral cocaine and methylphenidate (Ritalin) were similar."

 Rush, C.R., et al. "Behavioral pharmacological similarities between methylphenidate and cocaine in cocaine abusers," Exp. Clin. Psychopharmacol: Feb;9(1):59-73(2001):

Emergency room visits by children ages 10-14 involving Ritalin intoxication or overdoses have now reached the same level as those for cocaine--indicating escalating abuse of the addictive drug.

 Diller, L.H. Running on Ritalin: A Physician Reflects on Children, Society, and Performance in a Pill; Bantam Doubleday Dell Pub. Group, Inc. (1998); citing Feussner, G. "Actual Abuse Issues," Conference Report: Stimulant Use in the Treatment of ADHD, Drug Enforcement Administration, US Department of Justice, Washington DC, Dec. 1996.

Ritalin was first synthesized in 1944 in an unsuccessful attempt to create a stimulant that would not induce addiction or tolerance and they failed miserably.

HEALTH CANADA (2006): A 16-year-old boy taking extended-release methylphenidate, with no history of sexual dysfunction, experienced priapism (a painful, persistent and abnormal erection unaccompanied by sexual desire or excitation) that would last up to 24 hours whenever he forgot to take his medication. He had been taking 54 mg of the drug daily for about one year for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and was not taking any other medications. The priapism would resolve after he took his medication. Treatment with extended-release methylphenidate was continued because the product worked well in controlling his ADHD. The patient did not appear to have any sexual dysfunction when he remembered to take his medication. Priapism is not labeled in the Canadian product monograph.
A case of priapism associated with withdrawal from sustained-release methylphenidate has been reported in the literature.

So here is something if you do not want your children to reproduce get them on Ritalin. I still think and call me crazy but maybe being a good parent and have them raised in a positive home might be a better solution. If not contribute to the zombie nation of children we are creating, if not Prove me Wrong.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

In 200 years banking and elite have made their name known -DO you want to be their B*tch

The Canadian housing market is going the way of the US a lot quicker than I even thought. Last night my prediction of how our market was hyper inflated as was the the US just before its fall in 2008 came true. Looking at the mainstream media sometimes little clues get revealed in attempts to warn us. In the Globe and Mail this April a quote rang to me.

“Canada’s housing market escaped the recent severe downturns in the U.S. and other countries. However, today’s conditions in Canada share some characteristics of those countries prior to their downturns, leading us to take a cautious stance on housing investments,” wrote analysts Kate Warne and Craig Fehr, adding that Canadians should prepare for “the possible impact” of a housing downturn.

Then the Globe and Mail article yesterday states :

"The primary reason for that, of course, is the mountain of debt carried by many Canadian households, which has worried the central bank governor for many months. Toronto-Dominion Bank said this week that Canadians will soon owe more than $1.50 for every dollar of disposable income, an unprecedented level. And home prices are already stretched far beyond their historical norms, particularly in the largest urban markets such as Vancouver."

The thing people do not see is the behind the scenes. Do you know that your mortgage has been resold multiple times and someone you have never met or secured your mortgage with can walk in and take your paid for property. Don't believe me call your mortgage broker or bank and ask them. We as a country are billions of dollars in debt and who holds our debt? The private banks of Canada which are held by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. So a shadow government you have never voted for in a Canadian election owns your money. This was predicted over 200 years ago by Thomas Jefferson. The other that said he could not wait to see this happen was a man by the surname of Rothschild. If you think I am kidding this is the quote from their website" Rothschild has been at the centre of the world's financial markets for over 200 years. Today, it provides Investment Banking, Corporate Banking and Private Banking & Trust services to governments, corporations and individuals worldwide.

The founders quote " Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws. "

Mayer Amschel Rothschild 

Now you would think the man we elected to protect us, Our Prime Minister would not buy into giving away our Country and Our National Sovernity. Well once you understand he is a puppet of the Globalist or " Global Economy" you will soon see the truth. DO not pay attention for yourself pay attention for your children and grandchildren because if you do not they are in for a world of global slavery. I could go on for hours about how it started and why they do it. The thing is for you to educate yourself before poverty sounds like a day at disneyland. Watch the Video and ask yourself one simple question. Is my children and grandchildren worth speaking up for or the hell with them.

Thomas Jefferson's warnings 200 years what is happening today.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

"I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale." --Thomas Jefferson to John Taylor, 1816.

"Everything predicted by the enemies of banks, in the beginning, is now coming to pass. We are to be ruined now by the deluge of bank paper. It is cruel that such revolutions in private fortunes should be at the mercy of avaricious adventurers, who, instead of employing their capital, if any they have, in manufactures, commerce, and other useful pursuits, make it an instrument to burden all the interchanges of property with their swindling profits, profits which are the price of no useful industry of theirs." --Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Cooper, 1814.

"The art and mystery of banks... is established on the principle that 'private debts are a public blessing.' That the evidences of those private debts, called bank notes, become active capital, and aliment the whole commerce, manufactures, and agriculture of the United States. Here are a set of people, for instance, who have bestowed on us the great blessing of running in our debt about two hundred millions of dollars, without our knowing who they are, where they are, or what property they have to pay this debt when called on."
"The treasury, lacking confidence in the country, delivered itself bound hand and foot to bold and bankrupt adventurers and bankers pretending to have money, whom it could have crushed at any moment…These jugglers were at the feet of government. For it was not, any confidence in their frothy bubbles, but the lack of all other money, which induced…people to take their paper" -- Thomas Jefferson, October 1815 letter to (former) Treasury Secretary, Albert Gallatin.

"I own it to be my opinion, that good will arise from the destruction of our credit. I see nothing else which can restrain our disposition to luxury, and to the change of those manners which alone can preserve republican government. As it is impossible to prevent credit, the best way would be to cure its ill effects by giving an instantaneous recovery to the creditor. This would be reducing purchases on credit to purchases for ready money. A man would then see a prison painted on everything he wished, but had not ready money to pay for." --Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Stuart, 1786.

"If the debt which the banking companies owe be a blessing to anybody, it is to themselves alone, who are realizing a solid interest of eight or ten per cent on it. As to the public, these companies have banished all our gold and silver medium, which, before their institution, we had without interest, which never could have perished in our hands, and would have been our salvation now in the hour of war; instead of which they have given us two hundred million of froth and bubble, on which we are to pay them heavy interest, until it shall vanish into air... We are warranted, then, in affirming that this parody on the principle of 'a public debt being a public blessing,' and its mutation into the blessing of private instead of public debts, is as ridiculous as the original principle itself. In both cases, the truth is, that capital may be produced by industry, and accumulated by economy; but jugglers only will propose to create it by legerdemain tricks with paper." --Thomas Jefferson to John W. Eppes, 1813.

"The Bank of the United States is one of the most deadly hostilities existing, against the principles and form of our Constitution. An institution like this, penetrating by its branches every part of the Union, acting by command and in phalanx, may, in a critical moment, upset the government. I deem no government safe which is under the vassalage of any self-constituted authorities, or any other authority than that of the nation, or its regular functionaries. What an obstruction could not this bank of the United States, with all its branch banks, be in time of war! It might dictate to us the peace we should accept, or withdraw its aids. Ought we then to give further growth to an institution so powerful, so hostile?" --Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 1803.

      Regulating Banking Institutions

"The principle of rotation... in the body of [bank] directors... breaks in upon the espirit de corps so apt to prevail in permanent bodies; it gives a chance for the public eye penetrating into the sanctuary of those proceedings and practices, which the avarice of the directors may introduce for their personal emolument, and which the resentments of excluded directors, or the honesty of those duly admitted, might betray to the public; and it gives an opportunity at the end of the year, or at other periods, of correcting a choice, which on trial, proves to have been unfortunate." --Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 1803.

      Paper Speculation

"A spirit... of gambling in our public paper has seized on too many of our citizens, and we fear it will check our commerce, arts, manufactures, and agriculture, unless stopped." --Thomas Jefferson to William Carmichael, 1791.

"Our public credit is good, but the abundance of paper has produced a spirit of gambling in the funds, which has laid up our ships at the wharves as too slow instruments of profit, and has even disarmed the hand of the tailor of his needle and thimble. They say the evil will cure itself. I wish it may; but I have rarely seen a gamester cured, even by the disasters of his vocation." --Thomas Jefferson to Gouverneur Morris, 1791.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Free University education for your children

Would you like the opportunity to find out how you can do this? How about never living a day without Prosperity? Like to find out how leave a comment.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tonight there will be a screening of Oh Canada;Our bought an sold land

The video was done a couple years ago but still is the same point today. The more knowledge you can have as its your money. It is your debt as a Canadian citizen and will become your children's and grand children's if something is not done now.

You can view it by clicking the Link.